A Better Way to Produce Copper.

The impacts of climate change are on our doorstep; We are at the beginning stages of a global renewal of our energy system.

Toward a future where technology is used to integrate & enhance humanity's relationship with the natural world.

A world with a declining reliance on fossil fuels, powered by metals, chemistry, electricity & intelligence.

We are moving away from a world powered by burning fossil fuels.

At Skouria, we embrace the themes of this new world.

We are geologists, metallurgists & stimulation experts with a clear vision for a better way to produce copper.

Without a plan to produce more copper at an affordable price, the world will be more reliant on fossil fuels, exacerbating climate change & global poverty.


Developing nations such as Mexico, India, and those in SouthEast Asia and Africa are seeing large scale development of infrastructure and manufacturing capacity. This all amounts to copper demand doubling in the next 15-20 years. There is currently not enough capacity to meet this demand, and conventional mines can take 10-20 years to build.


The United States is in the process of upgrading and rebuilding their transmission capacity and energy generation base. At the same time, the US is electrifying: home heating, cooling and appliances, cars, factories and chemical processes. The US is also in the middle of a giant build out of large computing clusters for AI and cloud computing. All this requires large amounts of copper.

  • The United States is in the process of upgrading and rebuilding their transmission capacity and energy generation base. At the same time, the US is electrifying: home heating, cooling and appliances, cars, factories and chemical processes. The US is also in the middle of a giant build out of large computing clusters for AI and cloud computing. All this requires large amounts of copper.

  • Developing nations such as Mexico, India, and those in SouthEast Asia and Africa are seeing large scale development of infrastructure and manufacturing capacity. This all amounts to copper demand doubling in the next 15-20 years. There is currently not enough capacity to meet this demand, and conventional mines can take 10-20 years to build.

We must pursue a better method, or we will face global supply constraints. 

Traditional methods are characterized by large open pits and deep mine shafts. They have enormous negative environmental impacts, require more than a decade and significant capital investment before being online.

Traditional Copper Mines




We are working to greatly reduce the environmental impact of copper mining. Our method requires a fraction the capital cost, does not require the removal of rock, and can be permitted much quicker.

Our New Method




Our key insights come from the realization that many of the copper deposits are found in old hydrothermal systems.

We are using this to reopen and utilize the dormant hydrothermal systems which contain much of the world's copper. 

Our team has decades of experience with enhancing permeability in active hydrothermal systems, which are where most geothermal resources are found.

Using modeling tools, & leveraging abundant computation, we plan to optimize the design of subsurface stimulation.

A Better Way to Produce Copper. A Better Way to Produce Copper. A Better Way to Produce Copper. A Better Way to Produce Copper.

A Better Way to Produce Copper. A Better Way to Produce Copper. A Better Way to Produce Copper. A Better Way to Produce Copper.